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Plaats een opmerking bij station Rotterdam Centraal

Op de pagina kunt u een opmerking of herinnering insturen aan station Rotterdam Centraal die wordt toegevoegd aan de pagina.

Oorspronkelijke reactie:
Carol Wolter (1 mrt 2011)
I wish someone could please help me. It's important. My mother, Marion, travelled from Hamburg to Rotterdam on March 17, 1955. From there she went to Rotterdam's port to take Groote Beer to Canada. CAN ANYONE PLEASE TELL ME (1) WHICH TRAIN SHE TOOK FROM HAMBURG TO ROTTERDAM? (2)Was there a transfer or did train go directly to port? (3)What was the name of the train? (4)Did it have windows, heat, vinyl seats etc.? (5) WAS ROTTERDAM CENTRAAL BUILT BY MARCH 17, 1955? Please, I would be so grateful if anyone could help me. I have no family left - everyone has gone and now I am ill. I am trying to write a memoir to my two children who never met their Oma. Thank you with all my heart. God bless you indeed!
reactie webmaster: I don't know the train schedules from hamburg to rotterdam in 1955, but i found a picture of groote beer on this website, using 'Zoek in de beeldbank' search for SFA001012397 and you will find it too. If you search for 'emigranten' you will find more pictures of boats leaving port with migrants. Here's also a picture of the boat leaving rotterdam.

The transfer was from HAL Holland Amerika Lijn, the building of the organisation is still there, nowadays named Hotel New York.

the train did not go to port if boats left from rotterdam harbour, these ships left from wilhelminakade. She probably arrived by train on Rotterdam DP (I added this comment to that station, which was largely demolished in the 2nd WW, but was still in use at that time, as Rotterdam Central station was being built). She will have used a tram to get there, that will have been an Allan type tram car.

the international trains had, i assume, lots of luxuries. i think there was only first and second class, but i'm not sure. it did of course have windows, heating en confortable seats.

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